If you are not a fan of carotenoid-rich algae, but still wish to wear that becoming blush for Mothering Sunday, help is at hand. In celebration of the coming weekend, The Management at 10,000 Birds have generously offered a special, all expenses paid trip to a pampering spa in Florida (they will not actually be paying the expenses, but it is assumed that at some point someone, somewhere, will end up paying. They asked me to make that clear).
The lucky winner will be whisked (again, although there will be much whisking done, The Management have asked me to make it clear that they will not be doing any of it) to Orlando on the Saturday morning before the big day and the treatments will culminate in a magnificent pink rinse. Whilst The Management hope that the lucky winner will be a hard working mother, deserving of recognition and a well earned break, the prize is open to all comers. As you can see, the pink rinse looks equally good on a fella and the Disney Gay Day is fast approaching.
Whether you prefer the all-over effect or just a few subtle highlights, our expert rinsers will ensure that you have the most fabulous experience and return to mothering duties refreshed and above all, pink. Simply complete the following sentence in less than twelve words; I always go pink in Florida because……….. answers on a postcard please.
Happy Mothers’ Day.
It is Pink Bird Weekend on 10,000 Birds! Whether we are discussing birds shaded roseate, fuchsia, rose, coral, salmon, blush, or just plain pink, we have them all covered on Pink Bird Weekend. Why would we bother with such an esoteric topic? To put it simply, pink birds are awesome! Think about it, have you ever seen a pink bird and not wanted to see it again? Of course not! Make sure to check back all Pink Bird Weekend long as we delve into every possible pulchritudinous pink bird we can think of…
I am really enjoying Pink Bird Weekend. This post made me chuckle.