You’ve heard of Internet cafes. You may even have heard of cat cafes. (While I have yet to make it down to Philadelphia’s Kawaii Kitty Cafe, I can attest that Le Cat Cafe—and its kitty yoga nights—are awesome.)
Introducing the newest coffeeshop trend: the bird cafe. (From—where else?—Japan.)
Plunk down some yen and, cappuccino in hand, you can while away an hour or so in the company of chatty parakeets, uncharacteristically friendly owls, and pretty parrots. The growing popularity of the cafes suggests that they represent a way for busy professionals, or folks whose leases don’t allow pets, to de-stress by interacting with birds. (Let’s hope they serve bird-friendly coffee.)
All of the feels, none of the cage-cleanup? Sounds like a fun way to spend your next layover in Tokyo. (I’ll meet you back at the gate, though, after making a beeline for a cat cafe.)
Coffee Owls image credit to Emma Steigerwald.
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