It was a warm and sunny day on Sunday and I took full advantage of what little time I had in the morning for birding. My first stop was the World’s Fair Marina because I figured that the abundant sunlight would provide some good photographic opportunities if the birds would only cooperate. Most of the ducks, including the usually more confiding Canvasbacks, were quite distant, but several Redhead had no problem cooperating for me and my digiscoping rig. I took full advantage and digiscoped like a madman for as long as the birds stayed in close. It was great fun and I am pretty happy with the results, which were much better than what I achieved nearly three years ago.
Most of the images in this post have bigger versions that will pop up if you click on them. Click away and love these ravishing Redheads!
Redhead Aythya americana
Oh. That’s why they’re referred to as “diving ducks.”
The water was really as flat as a photographer could hope for.
The only thing that bothers me about this picture is the little bit of reflection of the orange boom the bird was swimming in front of.
Even when they were tucked up the Redheads tended to keep an eye out for danger.
Redhead. What a bird!
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Nice Pics of Redhead ducks.