Well done to anyone who managed to identify the correct birds from their reflections. Nobody who took the time to submit their thoughts to the comments section scored 10 out of 10, but there were some horrible ones in there and the best score was 6 out of 10. Ingrid had 7 of the required answers, but blotted her copybook by putting one against the wrong reflection. Numbers 1 through 4 and 6 didn’t cause any problems and I was surprised to see how easily number 10 was identified.
5, 7, 8 and 9 however were the stinkers it appears.
Before you look at the answers below, take one more look at the challenge and bear in mind that there are no geese and no falcons. Use leg colours as a cue in the other two. All of the birds are strongly associated with water and were seen in San Francisco around the New Year.
- Ruddy Duck
- Northern Shoveler
- Green Teal
- Ring-necked Duck
- Bufflehead
- American Avocet
- Greater Yellowlegs
- Long-billed Dowitcher
- Western Sandpiper
- Glaucous-winged Gull
I did not see the Bufflehead coming…Thought for sure it was some sort of Goose. Great quiz!