As you read yesterday Will and I had a marvelous morning (and early afternoon) of birding in the north country on Saturday. Driving back through the Adirondacks we saw a pair of Hooded Mergansers in open water in the town of Saranac Lake. Other than that we didn’t really see anything interesting on our drive to Fort Edward, home to extensive open country and probably the best place to see Short-eared Owls in the state.
Short-eared Owls on haybales
Fort Edward did not disappoint. Short-eared Owls were everywhere! They were perched on fenceposts, snowbanks, haybales, and utility polls. When they weren’t perched they were hunting over the fields, their extremely long wings and headless appearence making them readily discernible amid the Northern Harriers and Rough-legged Hawks. The owls have roosted on a quiet country cul-de-sac for years and have become quite the attraction to birders. We counted at least five other carloads of folks watching, photographing and just plain ogling these sensational short-ears. There were so many camera lenses pointed at a single owl at one point that I expected it to pull a Sean Penn and pummel the paparrazi.

Short-eared Owl in flight
While awed by the Short-eared Owl display Will and I wanted to see what else was around. Fort Edward’s extensive open country also held Snow Buntings and Horned Larks (the latter in large numbers in a recently manured field…mmmm…manure). A single Eastern Meadowlark flushed flashing its white tail corners and American Tree Sparrows were common in small flocks along the side of the road.
Perchance, if thou art ever in upstate New York late in the winter get thee to Fort Edward (who else likes random archaic sentences?). You will not regret it and even non-birders will enjoy the spectacle of owls everywhere.
We shall be heading up to the Ft Edward area from our home in Chicopee, MA next week looking for raptors. Could you point us in the right direction as to which roads we should drive and any areas that have the most activity? We will look for the eagles at Cohoes in the morning and get to the Ft Edward area perhaps around noon. Thank you and good birding.
Chris and Darla
Chris, an email has just been sent…good luck!
I’d also like your suggestions for roads for viewing in the Fort Edward area. Thank you.
@Jackie: Blackhouse Rd, Fitzpatrick Dr, County Route 46, Plum Rd, Swamp Rd, Mahaffy Rd and the surrounding area is all good. Just make sure to pull over as far as possible when stopped, as sometimes folks go speeding through, even on back roads.