At some point in my life, when I was about 25 and a university student, I thought of myself as a writer. The best thing I ever wrote – in my opinion – was this very short piece:
Life is exhausting and depressing – sometimes one would prefer to just sit somewhere on the floor and drink beer. But every now and then, one has to get up, go to the fridge and get a new one. That is why everything is so hard.
Later, I did not really pursue writing any more. Maybe not very surprising.
Here are some bird photos that I like. They are the second part of a two-part series – a description of the backstory is here.

Rainbow Lorikeet (Brisbane, Australia)

Reed Parrotbill (Nanhui, Shanghai, China)

Siberian Rubythroat (Nanhui, Shanghai, China)

Southern Ground Hornbill (Kruger Park, South Africa)

Spotted Owlet (Delhi area, India)

Spotted Redshank (Nanhui, Shanghai, China)

Swinhoe’s White-eye (Nanhui, Shanghai, China)

Whimbrel (Nanhui, Shanghai, China)

White-bellied Sunbird (Kruger Park, South Africa)

White-tailed Tropicbird (Mauritius)

White’s Thrush (Nanhui, Shanghai, China)

Yellow-billed Hornbill (Kruger Park, South Africa)

Yellow Bittern (Nanhui, Shanghai, China)

Eurasian Hoopoe (Nanhui, Shanghai, China)

Little Corella (Melbourne area, Australia)

Little Egret (Tiaozini, Jiangsu, China)

Little Grebe (Nanhui, Shanghai, China)

Northern Boobook (Nanhui, Shanghai, China)

Oriental Scops Owl (Nanhui, Shanghai, China)

Painted Stork (Delhi area, India)

Pied Avocet (Nanhui, Shanghai, China)

Purple-crested Turaco (Mkuze, South Africa)
Well, I think these photos are wonderful and thoroughly deserving of le salon des acceptés, but who I am to judge.
If you don’t want these photos, I’ll take them.
Not only the pictures are outstanding,the lyrics is great too!!!
Beautiful photos, enviable birds, and I’m hoping you’re able to go outside today. Or–drink more beer!