As we might have already mentioned here on 10,000 Birds, this year is shaping up to be a historic year in terms of a Snowy Owl irruption. And because birders are often bloggers, the amount of material that has already been published regarding this invasion of big, white owls from the north is pretty impressive. Not only are there a host of blog posts simply featuring images of Snowy Owls but there are quite a few out there that tackle a whole host of different issues related to Snowy Owls. Truly, it is a banner year for fans of Bubo scandiacus!
So, what is going on with Snowy Owls in the birding blog world? Here is a pretty big sample but this is only the tip of the iceberg – feel free to leave links in the comments to any Snowy Owl bird blog content that you find!
Sharon Stiteler, AKA Birdchick, has a post up about the issues that overeager people can cause with Snowy Owls.
Twan Leenders has a post up at the Roger Tory Peterson Institute that also reminds birders to give Snowy Owls some space.
Not all interactions between humans and Snowy Owls are bad. John Haas has a post about what happens when a Snowy Owl can’t make it on its own and is helped by some kind humans.
We here at 10,000 Birds shared some photos and video that shows that Snowy Owls can be stressed by more than just humans.
One of the most interesting posts during this Snowy Owl irruption has to be from At the Speed of a Plant, which features a series of photos of Snowy Owl footprints, wingprints, and the remains of a meal. You should really check this post out.
Another inventive post, or, rather, series of posts, is the Tumblr of pictures of things that are NOT Snowy Owls.
At the Nemesis Bird Tim Shrekengost featured Snowy Owls digiscoped with his iPhone 5.
The Stokes checked out some Snowy Owls in New Hampshire and Massachusetts.
Not to be outdone, Indiana Dunes Birding has a report on the Snowy Owls in the Hoosier State.
And Nate couldn’t let North Carolina lag behind – he wrote up his long round trip to pick up North Carolina’s first Snowy Owl in thirteen years!
Rick Wright reminded everyone of big Snowy Owl flights of the past and how stressing the birds was hardly an issue because people were too busy shooting them! He also reminds us to look for other owls too.
Don Freiday took a similar historical perspective as to just how many Snowy Owls used to show up.
David Ringer, writing here at 10,000 Birds, explored where, exactly, Snowy Owls belong taxonomically speaking.
Finally, the guys at Nemesis Bird are trying to keep track of all the Snowy Owl sightings in the mid-Atlantic region. Now that is a difficult task this year!
Remember,share your additional Snowy Owl blog post finds in the comments – I’m sure there are many, many, many more out there!
Ontario is on the front lines of the Snowy Owl invasion. They are being widely reported. I reported on one (and much more) on my blog http://www.mybirdoftheday.ca
I decided to start speculating (with minimal evidence, cause that’s the American way!) about why this is happening so soon on the heels of the last irruption. http://sharptern.blogspot.com/2013/12/randomish-thoughts-on-snowy-owls.html
You go, Snowy Owls – it’s not too far from the Bermudas to Germany’s Heidelberg region!
We’re up to 60 birds, in 27 of Ohio’s 88 counties. New reports are coming in daily. A map, more info, and regular updates are here: http://jimmccormac.blogspot.com/2013/12/snowy-owl-update.html