Last weekend we had completed our 14 days of self-isolation. It is a long time to not leave your property at all, but at least we do have a garden. We were very keen to get back on our bikes and to go and walk along a beach. We were in much more of a rush to get to the beach than the supermarket! I did not get to write last week, because there have been issues with the website and even now it is having a few problems, so I will keep this brief.
One of our Pied Oystercatcher pairs were at their usual location north of the rocks on Cable Beach. Their young from last year have now moved on. They will be with a large flock of non-breeding Pied Oystercatchers to the north or south of Broome. At this time of year the pair are together, but like all of us they are being physically distant. In a few weeks’ time they will be into their breeding season and there will be a moment of close contact.
Pied Oystercatchers keeping physically distant
They were also busy eating very small bivalves and their hunting was proving to be very successful.
Bivalves are one of the most common food eaten by Pied Oystercatchers around Broome.
It is so good to have a little bit of normality in our world even if it is something as simple as being able to have a walk on the beach.
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