South East Arizona is known for some truly amazing birding, and another one of the specialties that this area is known for is the Sulphur-bellied FlycatcherMyiodynasters luteiventris. This bird is rarely seen in the US, other than here, where this boldly patterned bird actually somewhat common, especially up in the Madera Canyon area. Just another great reason to plan at trip to South East Arizona!




Written by Tom Brown
Tom Brown grew up in the high desert area of central Oregon. His love for birds and photography started at a young age. Thru the course of time, travel, and a lot of different occupations, he ended up living in Seattle, and met a girl with a sailboat. When he is not scouring whatever area they are in, looking for the next great bird photo, he can be found trying to earn enough money for the next adventure, and of course, a new lens or camera body! Having been nick-named “The Bird Nerd” by his last remaining friends and family, Tom continues search for that next lifer, and the accompanying photo that goes with it. Find his continuing adventures, photographs, and guiding opportunities at Focus on Feathers.