If you need a friend – or somebody to make fun of – it can be helpful to know some easy ways to spot birders. Here are ten ways that give these magnificent creatures away.
- They have no life.
- All birders plan their vacations around weather forecasts and migration schedules – business birders prioritize business trips for birding potential rather than business success.
- Their fashion sense is best described as rudimentary: at least one silly hat, earth tones, and multiple pockets.
- They are rarely happy with the weather – too windy, no birds, no wind, too many mosquitos.
- They think most other birders are either incompetent, too noisy, or liars. Normal people don’t even merit an opinion.
- When taking a walk with other people, they constantly point out birds even though clearly nobody is interested.
- They think it is perfectly normal to get up at 4 am.
- They think “ticks” are a good thing.
- They think of sewage ponds and garbage dumps as great vacation spots.
- They tend toward one-upmanship: “I saw a Serin the other day”. “But I saw a Dodo getting eaten by a Haast Eagle in 1567.”
Bonus: - They have lists for everything: “Birds spotted in movies”, “Birds seen while eating at McDonald’s”, “Best Bird Books printed in Helvetica font”, and of course, “Ten Easy Ways to Spot a Birder”.
Photo: Tibetan Serin, Tengchong, Yunnan, China. Thanks to Peter for his help in preparing this list.
No Dodo pictures?
I almost recognise myself!
Your observations are very perceptive, Kai. In fact, they have helped me recognize one of my greatest obstacles for effective birding: I have a life. I may have to do something about that.