At Nanhui, all bird parents are working parents – with all the stress that this brings.
This Long-tailed Shrike probably thinks that China`s one-child policy is a really good idea.
A Little Grebe that does not have all her ducks in a row (ok, a grebe is not a duck, I know, but still, I happily sacrifice ornithological accuracy for a bad pun)
Count the legs, divide by two, subtract one, and you have the number of Kentish Plover chicks.
Unfortunately, no drones available for this job yet (Barn Swallow)
My mom thinks I have a beautiful soul I (Black-winged Stilt, juvenile and adult)
My mom thinks I have a beautiful soul II (Common Moorhen, juvenile and adult)
Mom, don`t sit too close to me, what will my friends think? (Black-crowned Night Heron)
It is kind of stuffy under there … (Little Ringed Plover)
More bird photos and fewer bad jokes at www.birdphotos.smugmug.com
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