A couple of days in San Francisco over the New Year caused me to reflect on how much information we actually need to identify a bird. Corey’s devilish warbler quizzes have shown that some people, given the tiniest amount of detail, are capable of superhuman feats of recognition.
The air was so still at times this week that the reflections were almost perfect, but just a tiny ripple or bubble on the surface of the water causes enough distortion to make identification more of a challenge. Give these a try.
I might be tempted to have a go at the first five, but they become progressively more difficult after that, so I shall leave them to the experts.
These are trickier, but there are clues if you can pick up on them. Don’t look at them for too long or your eyes will go funny.
As ever, The Management will be furnishing fabulous prizes for anyone who gets them all correct.
They were all taken in San Francisco at the end of December. Best of luck.
How did you get on?
I only got 8 out of ten and I have the original photographs!
1. Ruddy Duck
2. Northern Shoveler
3. Green-winged Teal
4. Ring-necked Duck
5. Canada Goose
6. American Avocet
7. Whimbrel
8. American Kestrel
9. Sanderling
10. Glaucous-winged Gull
1. Ruddy Duck
2. Northern Shoveler
3. Falcated Duck
4. Ring-necked Duck
5. Canada Goose
6. American Avocet
7. Whimbrel
8. Peregrine Falcon
9. Sanderling
10. Glaucous-winged Gull
@ Corey, Nice try. 6 out of 10.
@ Sam, 5 for you.
Well done for getting the Glaucous-winged Gull. I thought that was a stinker.
The joy of figuring out which is the one Corey and Sam have that I’m not sure about.
5. Gadwall
7. Long-billed Dowitcher
8. Merlin
9. Least Sandpiper
I was with you up to the avocet and then I gave up. Fun idea for a quiz!
1. Ruddy Duck
2. Northern Shoveler
3. Green-Winged Teal
4. Lesser Scaup
5. Cackling Goose
6. ?
7. ?
8. American Kestrel
9. Cackling Goose
10. Ring-Billed Gull
@ Ingrid included 7 correct answers, but only 6 of them in the right places.
@ Junior scores 3.
@ Jason, Nope, none of those, but you have isolated the reflections that have not yet been answered correctly
Try #2:
1. Ruddy Duck
2. Northern Shoveler
3. Green-winged Teal
4. Ring-necked Duck
5. Cackling Goose
6. American Avocet
7. Dunlin
8. Merlin
9. Sanderling
10. Glaucous-winged Gull
@ Sam. No further forward I am afraid.
Numbers 5, 7, 8 and 9 are the ones still giving you trouble.