Birding in Israel? Report your sightings to help build an eBird-like database of the country’s avifauna.
New studies find that:
- when birds migrate from the Arctic to South America, fragments of mosses, fungi, and other “diaspores” hitch a ride (and a similar phenomenon may have spread acacia trees from Hawaii to an island in the Indian Ocean);
- caterpillars which feed on many different types of plants are more attractive meals for birds than caterpillars which subsist on only one or two species;
- to tell their offspring from those of freeloading Common Cuckoos (like the specimen above snapped by Redgannet), some birds have developed unique eggshell patterns;
- and despite what Darwin thought, there doesn’t seem to be a relationship between the flashiness of a bird’s coloring and the complexity of its song.
Proving that cruelty knows no bounds, some (language unsuitable for a family blog) in Virginia Beach is shooting blow darts at birds. Meanwhile, an Oregon farmer caught a beating from a neighbor irritated by his loud “bird cannons.” (Who knew there was such a thing?)
Engineers are trying to mimic the mechanics of how birds perch in hopes of improving drones’ ability to land on wires.
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