10,000 Birds readers love terrific bird photography but hate bird abuse. That’s why reader Charlie Gordon wanted to share this disturbing story. Charlie is an amateur nature photographer from Singapore who has been birdwatching for close to 15 years now. He was first drawn to birding after realising that even the most urbanised spaces could harbour relatively high levels of bird diversity, and now spends time exploring other birding habitats around the region.
The use of bait in bird photography continues to be a controversial issue, but some instances of baiting clearly cross ethical boundaries into the realm of the unthinkable.
Recently, a group of nature photographers were spotted using live fish to bait a family of Grey-headed Fish Eagles in Singapore, where the species is listed as Critically Endangered, with only about 12-18 breeding individuals left in the wild.
A Grey-headed Fish Eagle photographed ethically
The purpose of using bait was to be able to capture action shots of the bird swooping in for the kill. Doing so, however, presented a few problems. First, the fish had to be alive and struggling otherwise the fish eagles would ignore it. Second, the fish needed to be afloat at the water’s surface so the photographers would know where to point their lenses in anticipation of an eagle’s approach.
These photographers came up with an utterly horrifying solution: A photographer used a twig he picked off the ground to stuff pieces of white material into the fish’s mouth. These were polystyrene foam chunks (also known as styrofoam), used to ensure that the fish does not sink but instead remains afloat on the water’s surface.
Photographer stuffing a piece of polystyrene foam into the fish’s mouth
One photographer used a syringe to inject air into the fish’s swim bladder, thus preventing it from being able to control its own buoyancy. The fish was then passed to the second guy, who then promptly filled the fish with styrofoam, before the fish was handed off to a third guy to be thrown into the pond, whilst the photographers prepare for the eagles to get interested in the hopefully still struggling but fatally injured polystyrene foam-filled fish. Altogether a slick operation, but an undeniably cruel one.
Fish slipping out of the photographer’s hand while he attempts to inject its swim bladder with air
While there are instances where there may potentially be justifications for using bait to photograph birds, this is clearly not one of them. Aside from the incredible cruelty of tampering with a live fish’s swim bladder and force-feeding it with polystyrene, there is the most important issue of the critically endangered fish eagles consuming pieces of polystyrene foam when they eat the fish.
This is no longer nature photography and it is nothing that anyone should be proud of.
Did he actually say something to them or did he just document it?
I guess this is not only unethical, but highly illegal (attempted poisoning of an endagered species). Has this been reported to the police?
Wow. My stomach just about turned reading this. It makes foie gras production sound innocuous! Yes, please tell me these pics have been turned over to the authorities so that the insidious individuals can be found and brought to justice! Poor fish, and poor eagles.
I recognize the culprit (bespectacled man in cap stuffing polystyrene into bait fish)! He is Lincoln Tran, also known as Tran Thuong Chung Linh. http://i.imgur.com/zb6Iuym.jpg (https://www.facebook.com/tran.t.linh.96) Vietnamese working in Singapore as a condo manager at Melana International Pte Ltd. (https://sg.linkedin.com/pub/thuong-chung-linh-tran/51/5b/a25 ~profile deactivated)
Here he is wearing the same cap glasses and watch, with exact same hairstyle and camera. His photos of the Grey Headed Fishing Eagle with the styrofoam-stuffed fish here: http://i.imgur.com/o1vWnbH.jpg (https://500px.com/…/grey-headed-fish-eagle-by-lincoln-tran ~Culprit took down evidence after being tipped off)
It appears he’s done this many times before to take such photos! Toxic-baiting other local birds like the White-Bellied Sea Eagle, Grey Heron and Stork-billed Kingfisher. http://i.imgur.com/5NcsLDR.jpg (http://www.pixoto.com/tran.t.linh.96/recent ~Culprit deactivated profile)
2nd culprit (in light striped shirt) is Shanmuga Sundaram http://i.imgur.com/5fJZGNu.jpg who works in SIA EC (Singapore Airlines Engineering Company)
Please lodge a police report against such sickening behaviour that recklessly endangers Singapore’s precious wildlife! Get the AVA and NParks to put a stop to this!
So Charlie doesn’t mention trying to stop the perpetrators or calling authorites??? Is there a “No Snitching” code among photogs?
Baiting for pictures of fish eagles is certainly used elsewhere, for instance Japan (Steller’s eagle), Norway (White-tailed), Kenya (African Fish Eagle). In all those places, i have seen people using dead fish, and solving the flotation issue with natural cork. I’ve never seen people tampering with live fish that way, and i don’t even think it is needed at all. In any case, the scary part is to have the eagles ingest styrofoam…. i wish authorities in Singapore will swiftly deal with the culprits.
Horrifying,unimaginable cruelty to animals. If these photographers sell their photos to publications.I hope the publications refuse to purchase them. Their photography should be boycotted.If they don’t stand to profit from their sadistic behavior. they will have not motivation to continue it.
What kind of depraved individuals would subject animals to such cruelty to get photos, however stunning? I can hardly take in such cruelty.