Every month of 2020 has felt like a year, yet the imminent end of summer still feels too soon. If the end of August blues are getting you down, allow me to prescribe a certain cure: go birding.
I really have no choice but to go birding west of Rochester this weekend, as all sorts of uncommon shorebirds have come and hopefully not yet gone during a busy week. Corey has been crushing Queens birding lately, so don’t expect him to give up now!
How about you? Where will you be this weekend and will you be birding? Share your plans in the comments below.
Around the nest in Costa Rica, maybe a migrant or two will make an appearance?
Petrovaradinski Rit, Serbia.
Close to home, what else is new in these ,”stay-home stay-safe” times. That said I got out to some pretty good birding and saw a Sora and a Black Phoebe, both tough county birds this weekend.