I’m glad that February is the shortest month because it also ranks as one of the most boring, at least from a phenological perspective. Very little of natural history interest happened this month, unless you count meteors exploding over Russian skies. On my side of the planet, we’re just counting cardinals… boring!
Speaking of boring, I’m bringing my kids down to NYC this weekend, where we will studiously avoid birding because all the fun birds fled after Winter Storm Nemo. So most of my bird watching will take place at about 80 miles an hour across the Empire State. Corey will be keeping it real at work, which will tragically cut into his time in the field. How about you? Where will you be this weekend and will you be birding? Share your plans in the comments below.
Whatever your plans this weekend, make time to enjoy SkyWatch Friday. Also be sure to come back Monday to share your best bird of the weekend!
Great post for SWF! Well done!
it might not be the best time for birding, but its a beautiful photo nonetheless! and as for us in this part of the world, we yearn for sights like this!!!! on the other hand, i spent this morning seeing three oriental magpie robins apparently playing.. flying from one tree to another, dodging each other!!!
so lovely
happy Skywatch Friday
How very lovely!
beautiful! Happy sky watching.
My sky.
I’ll be birding along the waterfront, again. I have found a duck-shaped mystery bird, today; a dog scared it away before I could get close enough for identification. It was greyish, and unmallardlike. Apart from that, I could see little of it. I am hoping I can find it again.
I live in Coastal Texas just miles away from the Gulf of Mexico, so February is a good month to go birding ’cause of the migration. I plan on going out to local areas today.
Just popping in while I peruse the Google list of Birding Blogs and yours came up in the search.