I doubt I need ask if you are birding this weekend; assuming you are healthy and still sane, you have little better to do than spend time chasing, appreciating, and basically communing with avifauna. The question of where you are birding, however, assumes special significance when people are urged to maintain safe social distances even in parks and on trails. If you can’t hit your favorite hotspots, embrace the solid mundanity of sheltering in place by working that yard list hard. Or take a walk on the wild side and bird like Paul Lewis does. Whatever you do, engage and enjoy fully… everyone deserves a break during turbulent times.
I’ll make my way to the lake at some point this weekend to see how far spring has advanced in a week. Corey will undoubtedly be roaming the less populated parts of NYC. How about you? Where will you be this weekend and will you be birding? Share your plans in the comments below.
Whatever your plans this weekend, make time to enjoy SkyWatch Friday. Also be sure to come back Monday to share your best bird of the weekend!
Always loved your site, now more than ever. I wanted to put out this blog to those shut-in during the COVID-19 crisis. Especially those in the Vancouver BC area or for all my birding friends and Birdpals around the world. Stay safe and see you all soon.