Has the dawning of a new year ever felt as glorious as this one? Not only do we symbolically leave the horrors of 2020 behind us, but we just as symbolically wipe clean our year list to refresh our appreciation of even our most common birds.
I’d ask where you’re birding this weekend, but–like both me and Corey–you’ve probably already started! So where are you this weekend, and where are/will you be birding? Share your plans in the comments below.
Germany is still pretty much on lock-down, so I won’t go anywhere. Just the surroundings of Heidelberg… sigh. In a picknick table event, a red-necked grebe has now joined my best bird of the year on that small lake next to Heidi. I might go and see it if it sticks around.
Keeping an eye out for birds in my Costa Rican neighborhood.