Now that the Great Backyard Bird Count is over, the time has come to dream of birds beyond the boundaries of our backyards, birds in other, more distant yards. Many of you have already taken winter trips to escape the tyranny of the polar vortex or whatever weather pattern has worn out its welcome in your part of the world. If you haven’t traveled recently, no time is better than now. After all, before long, migrants will soon be invading your airspace; you don’t want to miss that excitement, do you?
Maybe trips are on my mind because I’m in an airport en route to Hong Kong. Yes, I will be enjoying some epic Asian birding this weekend. Corey will make do with the adequate fare offered in another world city, NYC. Bet my birds are better…
How about you? Where will you be this weekend and will you be birding? Share your plans in the comments below.
Whatever your plans this weekend, make time to enjoy SkyWatch Friday. Also be sure to come back Monday to share your best bird of the weekend!
The photo at the top of this post is from Adam’s awesome post on seeing a Snow Leopard hunt.
Happy travels! This weekend, my sister and I will be birding in Government Canyon State Park just outside of San Antonio, Texas. 🙂
I’ll be staying close to home and going to my neighborhood park, Kissena Park in NYC. I had some good luck there earlier when it was really cold in NYC, but the weather is supposed to be relative nice and the park may be crowded. The birding will be good, but I don’t expect to see as many unusual birds.