Towns across New York state are celebrating Homecoming this weekend, which seems appropriate from the perspective of cooling temps and the urge to nest ahead of winter’s bite. As birders, however, we focus more on those restless creatures struck with the sudden, irresistible urge to leave. Birds all across the world are leaving last season’s homes for next season’s breeding or wintering grounds. If you find yourself at a Homecoming parade or bonfire this weekend, consider this question: “Where does that migrant on the wing truly feel at home?”
Speaking of home, I’m still homebound with foot malady that has kept me out of the field for too long already. Corey will have to do enough birding for the both of us as he scours the NYC area for fall surprises. How about you? Where will you be this weekend and will you be birding? Share your plans in the comments below.
Whatever your plans this weekend, make time to enjoy SkyWatch Friday. Also be sure to come back Monday to share your best bird of the weekend!
Our travels this week bring us to Cody, Wyoming! vWe are inn search of Eastern Kingbirds, Rock Wrens,Prairie Falcons, and White-throated Swifts.