You don’t have to participate in Birding Rally Challenge in Northern Peru the to enjoy epic skies over the Andean rainforest, but if you do, you’re likely to also see millions of epic birds like Alfredo did!
Those of us enjoying summer in the Northern Hemisphere know that summer usually but not always spells vacation, which usually but not always spells travel to exciting new locations. Those of us who enjoy looking at birds now and again know that new and exciting new locations usually harbor new and exciting avifauna. Just the prospect of new birds gets the adrenaline going, doesn’t it? No matter when your next trip is, you can follow Duncan’s sage advice and begin enjoying the journey now by studying up on all those lovely new birds. But I hope your next big trip is coming up soon!
Corey is prepping for a thrilling trip to Trinidad and Tobago. I doubt he’ll have as good a time as I did last year at Asa Wright with my buddies Larry Lebowitz and Mark Hedden at Caligo Ventures and assorted other birding hooligans, but I know he’ll do his best. So while he studies his field guides this weekend, I’ll just sit and simmer in envy!
How about you? Where will you be this weekend and will you be birding? Share your plans in the comments below.
Whatever your plans this weekend, make time to enjoy SkyWatch Friday. Also be sure to come back Monday to share your best bird of the weekend!
Birds are always interesting though I don’t get to see so many varieties around where I live. I’ve been entertaining my niece for a few days and we are both tired so will stick close to home this weekend going to a nearby park and having a quiet birthday celebration. Have a great weekend.
Going back to Bosque del Apache to see the Rufous-necked Wood Rail. Its a jaunty little bird and has been very easy to view. My non-birding wife saw on in Yucatan 6 years ago and now I can even the score.