St. Patrick’s Day weekend doesn’t feel the same during a long winter; how festive can the wearing of the green be if everything outside your window is still white? If you do indulge this weekend, be safe!
Now that spring is on the horizon, I’m eager to round up all those winter birds I’ve missed. Wish me luck! Corey makes his own luck. Expect him to track down early migrants in the NYC area. How about you? Where will you be this weekend and will you be birding? Share your plans in the comments below.
Whatever your plans this weekend, make time to enjoy SkyWatch Friday. Also be sure to come back Monday to share your best bird of the weekend!
We may visit Central Park again. Saw a few species last weekend before the snow melted.
I’m hoping to finally track down a Gyrfalcon near Ottawa, Ontario. If that fails, I might just look around my patch, see what new stuff has flown in.
I’ll trade some of that white stuff for some of our California sunshine this year. It has already been 80 degrees here and we’re going into the fourth year of drought.
I will be traveling south to the Sacramento area where I will seek out Burrowing Owls and stop at Sacramento NWR where I have reserved a photo blind 😉
I’m heading down to Bay Ridge for a last stab at the winter diving ducks and gulls I’m still missing.
San Francisco, California and up the coast!