The recent hubbub in the northeastern United States in terms of rare birds has been all about the Whiskered Tern at Cape May, the third record of this species for North America. All three of those records are from Cape May. You can read more about this awesome bird here. All I really need to say is that I got to Cape May, saw the bird, and was happy.
Rather than bore you with the story I will instead share pictures and short poems. I have no idea if this will work or not but why not give it a whirl? Please tell me if this sucked in the comments. Or if you liked it.
Least Terns are more rare
Than Whiskered Terns by far.
Also, much cooler.
I drove three hours to see a tern.
And I will probably never learn
When twitching a rarity
To be prepared and to study
So field marks I may discern.
Look at this mess of a bird.
My mind’s in a state of revolt.
Twitching is super absurd
When the bird’s in disgusting molt.
Rare birds are like celebrities.
Click and click and click and click and click and click and click and click and click.
Two hundred plus pictures, most of them
Fly away rarity, fly,
To wherever it is that you’re going.
While you’re gone this guy
About seeing you will be crowing.
Envy! In NJ, but swamped daily so I haven’t ventured south to Cape May yet. Congrats on seeing it!
And to think that I have NOT seen – and likely won’t see – a Whiskered this year… Grrrrr!
Whiskered Tern? Seen lots of em, off the Wirral. Come over to Englad when I’m there and I’ll show them to you by the bucketload.
Plenty here too! Poo Ponds are good places for them! 🙂
UGH … oh, for a spare, commitment-free day to make the drive! Glad you got to see it, Corey, even if it’s not much of a looker.