A couple of weeks ago I mentioned the Black Kites breeding around Broome. There have also been Whistling Kites breeding around Broome in recent weeks. It was an overcast day again this last Wednesday and we went bush-walking where we have observed the Southern Boobooks recently. We have been keeping an eye on a Whistling Kite nest that is very high up in a tree. We don’t know how many eggs were originally laid due to the height of the nest. On our last visit we could see there was one rather large young Whistling Kite in the nest.
Whistling Kite nest high in the tree
This week the weather was cloudy and overcast when we went to the location and the juvenile Whistling Kite was finally out of the nest. It was just above the nest and it appeared to have some nest material on its lower breast feathers. The Whistling Kite is the same size as its parents now, but a more mottled pattern. Its parents were in the vicinity, but not really close by and it “whistled” out to them.
Juvenile Whistling Kite
The juvenile Whistling Kite is able to fly, but it has not quite got the landing procedure sorted out. Choosing a wide branch to land on was a good choice!
Whistling Kite calling to its parents
It is always rewarding to observe successful breeding in wildlife and we are fortunate here in Broome that so many bird species breed around the area.
Whistling Kites are widespread across Australia and around Broome they help clean up the carrion along with the Black Kites. There has been less carrion on the highway due to the travel restrictions we are experiencing due to Covid 19. The travel restrictions are slowly easing around Western Australia, but you are still not allowed to enter from any other state or from overseas.
Thank you for sharing these pictures of a fledgling and mentioning that the skill of landing does not develop as quickly as the ability to fly.
Thanks, Marjorie. It is always interesting watching nature develop!