One bird that is easily encountered in Singapore without venturing too far off the beaten track is the Yellow Bittern. The Yellow Bittern is often overlooked by visitors to many of the parks and gardens in Singapore. The Yellow Bitterns wander across the vegetation in the lakes and balance on the leaves in the water. Visiting Gardens by the Bay is on most visitors to Singapore itinerary, even if they are only there for a few days. The lakes around the Satay by the Bay food area are good for finding Yellow Bittern.
Yellow Bittern
Singapore Botanic Garden is also a good location for Yellow Bittern. We were lucky during one of our visits to the area. We entered the shelter at the Symphony Lake due to an impending storm and watched a Yellow Bittern feed below the shelter.
Yellow Bittern from above
Often Yellow Bittern stand completely motionless and wait for food to come to them. On other occasions the Yellow Bittern skulk through the reeds or balance precariously across them. We discovered that the Yellow Bitterns in Singapore have become accustomed to having people around them and you can sit quietly and enjoy their presence quite easily.
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