Well, another New Year crept up on us once again and once again I will commit to listing on the website! This all started way back in 2012 and several of us continued on in 2013, 2014 , 2015 , 2016, 2017 and 2018. Just looking at everyone’s lists over the years you can see how varied our birding lives can be.
On Christmas Day we did a bird list around Broome and although we also found over one hundred species on both that day and on New Year’s Day the lists were quite different. Despite observing Eastern Ospreys, Brahminy Kites and Red-winged Parrots on a regular basis around Broome all three bird species eluded us on Christmas Day! New Years Day all three bird species were back in their usual spots! This is exactly what makes birding interesting! New Year’s Day was overcast and we observed several Australian Bustards, which we would not have encountered if the weather had been brighter. We find it impossible to not notice birds whether we are walking, cycling or driving and we are grateful we are surrounded by so many birds in our home town of Broome.
There is no doubt that over the coming year we will be away camping and birding and we have plans to explore on foot anywhere we can’t get to by vehicle whilst the land is flooded, so you can watch the list below get longer as the year progresses. As usual it is all about having fun and seeing what crosses our path and making some nice memories and possibly some good photos along the way! Thankfully I can write these posts in advance and then disappear into the “bush” and enjoy all that is out there! You won’t find me on social media!
Once again I will use “Broome” to imply any bird that is no further than 70 kilometres from the Broome Bird Observatory, because that was a parameter set up many years ago. I will link past posts on species I observe where applicable and for any other posts you can click on Clare M. I have referred to The Australian Bird Guide for the most recent sub-species updates.
I am looking forward to seeing the other Beat Writer’s lists at the bottom of the website as well this year and hope that they are all out there having fun!
This list was last updated December 26th 2019.
- Emu–Dromalus novaehollandiae-Marble Bar, April 24th
- Magpie Goose–Anseranas semiplamata-Broome, February 8th
- Plumed Whistling-Duck–Dendrocygna eytoni-Broome, January 1st
- Wandering Whistling-Duck-Denrdrocygna arcuata-Broome, January 5th
- Black Swan–Cygnus atratus-Broome, January 1st
- Freckled Duck-Stictonetta naevosa-Broome, March 31st
- Radjah Shelduck-Tadorna radjah– Derby, August 26th
- Pink-eared Duck–Malacorynchus membranaceus-Broome, January 1st
- Australian Wood Duck-Chenonetta jubata-Broome, January 5th
- Green Pygmy-goose-Nettapus pulchellus-Broome, January 5th
- Pacific Black Duck-Anas superciliosa-Broome, January 1st
- Grey Teal-Anas gracilis-Broome, January 1st
- Chestnut Teal-Anas Castanea-Parry’s Nature Reserve, October 3rd
- Garganey-Anas querquedula-Broome, January 5th
- Hardhead-Aythya australis–Broome, January 1st
- Blue-billed Duck-Oxyura australis-Pakenham Poo Ponds, November 28th
- Musk Duck-Biziura lobata menziesi-Pakenham Poo Ponds, November 28th
- Brown Quail–Columix ypsilophora australis, Broome, January 5th
- Indian Peafowl-Pavo cristatus-Broome, January 1st
- Australasian Grebe–Tachybaptus novaehollandiae-Broome, January 1st
- Hoary-headed Grebe-Poliocephalus poliocephalus-Broome, March 31st
- Black-necked Stork-Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus-Broome, January 1st
- Australian White Ibis-Threskiornis molucca-Broome, January 1st
- Straw-necked Ibis–Threskiornis spinicollis-Broome, January 1st
- Glossy Ibis–Plegadis flacinellus-Broome, January 5th
- Royal Spoonbill-Platalea regia-Broome, January 1st
- Yellow-billed Spoonbill-Platalea flavipes-Port Franklin, November 8th
- Nankeen Night-Heron-Nycticorax caledonicus-Long Pool, April 23rd
- Striated Heron–Butorides striata stagnatilus-Broome, January 1st
- Eastern Cattle Egret-Bubulcus coromandus-Carawine Gorge, April 24th
- White-necked Heron–Ardea pacifica-Cockatoo Creek, February 3rd
- Great-billed Heron–Ardea sumatrana-Derby, August 26th
- Great Egret–Ardea alba-Broome, January 1st
- Intermediate Egret-Ardea intermedia-Broome, January 1st
- Pied Heron–Egretta picata-Kununurra, October 4th
- White-faced Heron-Egretta novaehollandiae-Broome, January 1st
- Little Egret-Egretta gazetta nigripes-Langi Crossing, May 7th
- Eastern Reef Egret-grey morph-Egretta sacra-Broome, January 1st
- Eastern Reef Egret-white morph-Egretta sacra-Broome, January 6th
- Australian Pelican-Pelecanus conspicillatus-Broome, January 1st
- Lesser Frigatebird-Frigata ariel ariel-Broome, January 9th
- Brown Booby–Sula leucogaster plotus-Broome, January 19th
- Little Pied Cormorant-Microcarbo melanoleucos-Broome, January 1st
- Black-faced Cormorant-Phalacrocarax fuscescens-Walkerville, December 26th
- Little Black Cormorant-Phalacrocorax sulcirostris-Broome, February 16th
- Australian Pied Cormorant-Phalacrocorax varius-Broome, January 1st
- Great Cormorant-Phalacrocorax carbo novaehollandiae-Port Franklin, November 16th
- Australasian Darter-Anhinga novaehollandiae novaehollandiae-Broome, January 19th
- Eastern Osprey–Pandion cristatus-Broome, January 1st
- Black-shouldered Kite–Elanus axillaris-Broome, January 13th
- Square-tailed Kite-Lopholtinia isura-Fairfield Leopold Road, May 9th
- Black-breasted Buzzard–Hamirostra melanostemon-Broome, January 19th
- Little Eagle-Hieraaetus morphnoides-Kununurra, October 4th
- Wedge-tailed Eagle–Aquila audax audax-Broome, January 19th
- Grey Goshawk-Accipter novaehollandiae-Port Frankin River bridge, December 17th
- Brown Goshawk-Accipter fasciatus fasciatus-Marble Bar, April 24th
- Brown Goshawk-Accipiter fasciatus didimus–Broome, January 1st
- Collared Sparrowhawk–Accipiter cirrocephalus-Broome, January 28th
- Swamp Harrier-Circus approximans-Broome, January 5th
- Spotted Harrier-Circus assimilis–Broome, January 19th
- Black Kite-Milvus migrans-Broome, January 1st
- Whistling Kite-Haliastur sphenurus-Broome, January 1st
- Brahminy Kite-Haliastur indus-Broome, January 1st
- White-bellied Sea Eagle–Haliaeetus leucogaster-Broome, January 1st
- Australian Bustard–Ardeotis australis-Broome, January 1st
- Baillon’s Crake-Porzana pusilla palustris-Broome, January 19th
- Australian Crake-Porzana fluminea-Derby, February 3rd
- White-browed Crake-Amaurornis cinerea, Derby, February 3rd
- Australasian Swamphen–Porphyrio porphyrio melanotus-Broome, January 19th
- Dusky Moorhen-Gallinula tenebrosa tenebrosa-Foster, November 5th
- Black-tailed Native-hen–Tribonyx ventralis-Derby, February 3rd
- Eurasian Coot-Fulica atra-Broome, January 1st
- Brolga–Grus rubicunda-Broome, January 1st
- Bush Stone-curlew-Burhinus grallarius-Doolena Gorge, April 24th
- Beach Stone-curlew–Esacus magnirostris-Broome, February 2nd
- Pied Oystercatcher–Haematopus longirostris-Broome, January 1st
- Sooty Oystercatcher–Haematopus fuliginosus opthalmicus-Broome, January 1st
- Sooty Oystercatcher-Haematopus fuliginosus fuliginosus-Toora, October 30th
- White-headed Stilt–Himantopus himantopus-Broome, January 1st
- Red-necked Avocet–Recurvirostra novaehollandiae-Derby, February 3rd
- Banded Lapwing–Vanellus tricolor-Marble Bar Road, April 24th
- Masked Lapwing–Vanellus Miles–Broome, January 1st
- Black-shouldered Lapwing-Vanellus Miles novaehollandiae-Toora, October 30th
- Red-kneed Dotterel–Eryhrogonys cinctus-Broome, January 1st
- Pacific Golden Plover-Pluvialis fulva-Broome, January 1st
- Grey Plover-Pluvialis squatarola-Broome, January 1st
- Red-capped Plover–Charadrius ruficapillus-Broome, January 1st
- Lesser Sand Plover-Charadrius mongolus-Broome, January 6th
- Greater Sand Plover–Charadrius leschenaultii-Broome, January 1st
- Oriental Plover–Charadrius veredus-Broome, January 13th
- Black-fronted Dotterel–Elseyornis melanops-Broome, January 1st
- Comb-crested Jacana–Irediparra gallinacea-Broome, January 5th
- Latham’s Snipe-Gallinago hardwickii-Bald Hill Nature Reserve-December 25th
- Asian Dowitcher–Limnodromus semipalmatus-Broome, May 3rd
- Black-tailed Godwit-Limosa limosa-Broome, May 3rd
- Bar-tailed Godwit–Limosa lapponica-Broome, January 1st
- Bar-tailed Godwit-Limosa lapponica baueri-Toora, October 30th
- Little Curlew-Numenius minutus-Broome, January 1st
- Whimbrel–Numenius phaeopus-Broome, January 1st
- Eastern Curlew-Numenius madagascariensis-Broome, January 1st
- Marsh Sandpiper-Tringa stagnatilis-Broome, January 1st
- Common Greenshank-Tringa nebularia–Broome, January 5th
- Wood Sandpiper-Tringa glareola-Broome, January 1st
- Grey-tailed Tattler–Tringa brevipes–Broome, January 1st
- Terek Sandpiper–Xenus cinereus-Broome, January 1st
- Common Sandpiper–Actitis hypoleucos-Broome, January 1st
- Ruddy Turnstone-Arenaria interpres–Broome, January 1st
- Great Knot–Calidris tenuirostris-Broome, January 1st
- Red Knot-Calidris canutus rogersii-Broome, January 6th
- Red Knot-Calidris canutus piersmai-Broome, January 6th
- Broad-billed Sandpiper-Limicola falcinellus sibirica, Broome, January 10th
- Sharp-tailed Sandpiper-Calidris acuminata-Broome, January 1st
- Curlew Sandpiper-Calidris ferruginea-Broome, January 6th
- Long-toed Stint-Calidris subminuta-Broome, Broome, January 5th
- Red-necked Stint–Calidris ruficollis-Broome, January 1st
- Sanderling–Calidris alba alba-Broome, January 17th
- Australian Pratincole-Stiltia isabella-Sandfire, January 1st
- Oriental Pratincole–Glareola maldivarum–Broome, January 1st
- Silver Gull–Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae–Broome, January 1st
- Pacific Gull–Larus pacificus pacificus–Toora, October 30th
- Gull-billed Tern-Gelochelidon nilotica race Affinis-Broome, May 3rd
- Gull-billed Tern-Gelochelidon nilotica race Macro tarsus-Broome, January 1st
- Caspian Tern-Hydroprogne caspia-Broome, January 6th
- Greater Crested Tern–Thalasseus bergii–Broome, January 1st
- Lesser Crested Tern-Thalasseus bengalensis-Broome, January 1st
- Little Tern–Sternula albifrons-Broome, January 1st
- Fairy Tern-Strenula nereis-Toora, November 1st
- Common Tern-Sterna hirundo longipennis-Broome, January 1st
- Whiskered Tern–Chilidonias hybrida-Broome, January 1st
- White-winged Black Tern-Childonias leucopterus-Broome, January 1st
- Rock Dove-Columba livia-South Hedland, April 23rd
- Spotted Dove-Spilopelia chinensis-Foster, October 30th
- Common Bronzewing-Phaps chalcoptera–Fairfield Leopold Road, May 9th
- Brush Bronzewing-Phaps elegans-Tarra Bulga, November 16th
- Flock Bronzewing–Phaps histrionica-Willare, October 2nd
- Crested Pigeon–Ocyphaps lophotes-Broome, January 1st
- Spinifex Pigeon–Geophaps plumerifura ferruginea-Shaw River, April 23rd
- White-quilled Rock-Pigeon-Petrophassa albipennis-Kununurra, October 4th
- Diamond Dove–Geopelia cuneata-Broome, January 1st
- Peaceful Dove-Geopelia striata placida–Broome, January 1st
- Peaceful Dove-Geopilia striata clelandi-Long Pool, April 23rd
- Bar-shouldered Dove-Geopelia inexpecta-Broome, January 1st
- Pheasant Coucal–Centropus phaslanimus-Broome, January 1st
- Eastern Koel-Eudynamys orientalis-Kununurra, October 4th
- Channel-billed Cuckoo-Scythrops novaehollandiae-Broome, January 1st
- Horsfield’s Bronze-Cuckoo-Chalcites basalis–Broome, January 4th
- Black-eared Cuckoo-Chalcites osculans-Fitzroy Crossing, May 8th
- Shining Bronze-Cuckoo-Chalcites lucidus plagosus-Foster, November 17th
- Pallid Cuckoo–Cacomantis pallidus-Broome, January 19th
- Fan-tailed Cuckoo-Cacomantis flabeliformis-Fish Creek, December 22nd
- Brush Cuckoo-Cacomantis variolosus variolosus-Foster, October 31st
- Brush Cuckoo–Cacomantis variolosus dumetorum–Broome, January 5th
- Barking Owl–Ninox connivens peninsularis-Long Pool, April 23rd
- Southern Boobook-Ninox novaeseelandiae ocellata-De Grey River, April 22nd
- Tawny Frogmouth-Podargus strigoides phalaenoides-Broome, January 6th
- Australian Owlet-nightjar–Aegotheles cristatus-Broome, April 29th
- Oriental Dollarbird–Eurystomus orientalis-Broome, January 1st
- Laughing Kookaburra-Dacelo novaeguineae-Foster, October 30th
- Blue-winged Kookaburra-Dacelo leachii occidentalis-De Grey River, April 22nd
- Blue-winged Kookaburra–Dacelo leachii-Broome, January 1st
- Collared Kingfisher-Todiramphus chloris-Kununurra, October 4th
- Sacred Kingfisher-Todiramphus sanctus-Broome, January 1st
- Red-backed Kingfisher–Todiramphus pyrrhopygius-Broome, January 5th
- Azure Kingfisher-Ceyx azureus ruficollaris-Windjana Gorge, May 9th
- Rainbow Bee-eater-Merops ornatus-Broome, January 1st
- Nankeen Kestrel–Falco cenchroides-Broome, January 2nd
- Australian Hobby-Falco longipennis murchisonianus-Broome, January 1st
- Brown Falcon–Falco berigora-Broome, January 1st
- Peregrine Falcon-Falco peregrinus macropus-Broome, February 16th
- Peregrine Falcon–Falco peregrinus calidus-Broome, January 1st
- Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo-Calyptorhynchus banksii macrorhyncus-Broome, January 1st
- Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo-Calyptorhynchus funereus-Foster, November 1st
- Gang-gang Cockatoo-Callocephalon fimbriatum-Walkerville, December 26th
- Galah–Eolophus rosiecapillus kuhli-Broome, January 5th
- Galah-Eolophus rosiecapillus rosiecapillus-Marble Bar Road, April 23rd
- Galah-Eolophus rosiecapillus albiceps–Foster, November 1st
- Little Corella-Cacatua sanguinea-Broome, January 1st
- Little Corella-Cacatua sanguinea gymnopis-Toora, October 30th
- Sulphur-crested Cockatoo-Cacatua galerita galerita-Foster, November 1st
- Sulphur-crested Cockatoo-Cacatua galerita fitzroyi-Langi Crossing, May 7th
- Cockatiel-Nymphicus hollandicus-De Grey River, April 22nd
- Australian King-Parrot–Alisterus scapularis-Foster, November 4th
- Red-collared Lorikeet-Trichoglossus haematodus-race rubritorquis-Broome, January 1st
- Rainbow Lorikeet-Trichoglossus moluccanus-Foster, October 30th
- Budgerigar–Melopsittacus undulatus-De Grey River, April 22nd
- Fairy Pitta–Pitta nympha-Broome, February 8th
- Red-winged Parrot–Aprosmictus erythropterus coccineopterus–Broome, January 1st
- Crimson Rosella-Platycercus elegans-Foster, October 30th
- Northern Rosella-Platycercus venustus hilli-Tunnel Creek, May 9th
- Eastern Rosella–Platycercus eximius-Foster, November 1st
- Australian Ringneck “Twenty Eight”-Barnardius zonerius semitorquartus-Broome, April 5th
- Australian Ringneck-Port Lincoln-Barnardius zonarius zonarius-Marble Bar, April 24th
- Varied Lorikeet–Psitteuteles versicolor-Broome, January 24th
- Western Bowerbird-Ptilonorhynchus guttatus carteri-Carawine Gorge, April 25th
- Great Bowerbird-Ptilonorhynchus nuchalis-Broome, January 1st
- White-throated Treecreeper-Cornobates leucophaea-Foster, November 1st
- Black-tailed Treecreeper-Climacteris melanurus melanurus-Broome, February 16th
- Purple-backed Fairywren-Malurus assimilis assimilis-Broome, January 5th
- Purple-backed Fairy-wren(Lavendar)-Malurus assimilis rogersi-Windjana Gorge, May 9th
- Superb Fairy-wren-Malurus cycanus-Foster, October 30th
- Red-backed Fairy-wren-Malurus melanocephalus cruentatus-Broome, January 1st
- Southern Emu-wren-Stipiturus malachurus-Walkerville, December 26th
- Black Honeyeater-Sugomel nigrum-Doolena Gorge, April 24th
- Red-headed Honeyeater–Myzomela erythrocephala-Broome, January 1st
- Eastern Spinebill-Acanthorynchus tenuirostris-Foster, November 5th
- Pied Honeyeater-Certhionyx variegatus-Marble Bar Road, April 23rd
- Banded Honeyeater-Cissolmela pectoralis-Gibb River Road, May 10th
- Brown Honeyeater–Lichmera indistincta-Broome, January 1st
- Crescent Honeyeater-Phylidonyris pyrrhopterus-Foster, October 31st
- New Holland Honeyeater-Phylidonyris novaehollandiae-Foster, November 1st
- Little Friarbird-Philemon citreogulris–Broome, January 1st
- Silver-crowned Friarbird-Philemon argenticeps-Langi Crossing, October 2nd
- White-quilled Honeyeater-Entomyzon albipennis-Kununurra, October 4th
- Black-chinned Honeyeater–Melithreptus gularis-Broome, February 28th
- Brown-headed Honeyeater-Melithreptus brevirostris-Foster, December 16th
- White-throated Honeyeater-Melithreptus albogularis-Broome, May 3rd
- White-naped Honeyeater-Melithreptus lunatus-Fish Creek, December 23rd
- White-eared Honeyeater-Nesoptilotis leucotis-Foster, November 1st
- Crimson Chat–Epthianura tricolor-De Grey River, April 22nd
- Yellow Chat–Epthianura crocea crocea–Broome, March 31st
- White-fronted Chat-Epthianura albifrons-Walkerville, December 26th
- Rufous-throated Honeyeater–Conopophila rufogularis-Broome, January 1st
- Bar-breasted Honeyeater-Ramsayornis fasciatus broomei-Gibb River Road, May 10th
- Little Wattlebird-Anthochaera chrysoptera-Toora, October 30th
- Red Wattlebird-Anthochaera carunculata-Foster, October 30th
- Yellow-faced Honeyeater–Caligavis chrysops-Foster, November 1st
- Bell Miner-Manorina melanophrys–Toora, December 10th
- Noisy Miner-Manorina melanocephala-Yarram, November 16th
- Yellow-throated Miner-Manorina flavigula lutea-Derby, February 3rd
- White-gaped Honeyeater-Lichenostomus unicolor-Broome, January 1st
- Singing Honeyeater-Gavicalis virenscens forresti-Broome, January 1st
- Yellow-tinted Honeyeater-Lichenostomus flavescens-Broome, January 5th
- Grey-headed Honeyeater-Lichenostomus keartlandi-Fairfield Leopold Road, May 9th
- Grey-fronted Honeyeater-Lichenostomus plumula planael-Fairfield Leopold Road, May 9th
- White-plumed Honeyeater-Lichenostomus pencillata pencillatus-Bald Hill Nature Reserve
- White-plumed Honeyeater-Lichenostomus pencillatus carteri-De Grey, April 22nd
- Lewin’s Honeyeater-Meliphaga lewinii-Fish Creek, December 23rd
- Spotted Pardalote–Pardalotus punctatus-Foster, October 30th
- Red-browed Pardalote-Pardalotus rubricantus-De Grey River, April 22nd
- Striated Pardalote–Pardalotus striatus uropygalis-Broome, January 5th
- Striated Pardalote-Pardalotus striatus ornatus-Bald Hill Nature Reserve, December 25th
- Pilotbird-Pycuoptilus floccosus-Tarra Bulga, November 16th
- White-browed Scrubwren-Sericornis frontalis-Sandy Point, November 3rd
- Weebill-Smicrornis brevirostris flavescens-Derby, February 3rd
- Brown Gerygone-Gerygone mouki-Foster, December 15th
- Mangrove Gerygone-Gerygone levigaster-Derby, May 20th
- Western Gerygone-Gerygone fusca mungi-Geikie Gorge-May 8th
- Dusky Gerygone-Gerygone tenebrosa-Broome, January 1st
- Green-backed Gerygone-Gerygone chloronata darwini-Windjana Gorge, May 9th
- White-throated Gerygone-Gerygone albogularis-Broome, January 1st
- Brown Thornbill-Acanthiza pusilla–Yanakie, November 3rd
- Yellow-rumped Thornbill-Acanthiza chrysorrhoa-Foster, November 3rd
- Striated Thornbill-Acanthiza lineata-Foster, October 30th
- Grey-crowned Babbler–Pomatostomus temporalis-Broome, January 1st
- Eastern Whipbird-Psophodes olivaceus-Foster, November 4th
- White-breasted Woodswallow–Artamus leucirynchus-Broome, January 1st
- Masked Woodswallow–Artamus personatus-De Grey, April 22nd
- Black-faced Woodswallow–Artamus cinereus–Broome, January 1st
- Little Woodswallow-Artamus minor minor-Coppins Gap, April 24th
- Little Woodswallow-Artamus minor derbyi-Broome, January 5th
- Grey Butcherbird-Cracticus torquatus-Foster, October 30th
- Pied Butcherbird-Cracticus nigrogularis-Broome, January 1st
- Australian Black-backed Magpie-Cracticus tibicen eylandtensis–Broome, January 6th
- Australian Black-backed Magpie-Cracticus tibicen longirostris–Bamboo Creek Road, April 24th
- Australian White-backed Magpie-Cracticus tibicen tyrannica-Foster, October 30th
- Pied Currawong-Strepera graculina-Foster, October 30th
- Grey Currawong-Strepera versicolor-Foster, December 7th
- Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike-Coracina novaehollandiae melanops-Broome, January 1st
- Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike-Coracina novaehollandiae subpallida-De Grey, April 22nd
- White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike-Coracina papuensis hypoleuca-Windjana Gorge, May 9th
- White-winged Triller-Lalage sueurii-Broome, January 1st
- Orange-winged Varied Sittella-Daphoenositta chrysoptera-Foster, December 12th
- White-winged Sittella-Daphoenositta chrysoptera leucoptera-Broome, January 5th
- Eastern Crested Shrike-tit-Falcunculus frontatus-Foster, December 16th
- Golden Whistler-Pachycephala pectoralis-Foster, November 1st
- Mangrove Golden Whistler-Pachycephala melanura robusta-Broome, January 1st
- Grey Shrike-Thrush-Colluricincla harmonica brunnea-Broome, January 5th
- Grey Shrike-thrush-Colluricincla harmomica rufiventris-Doolena Gorge, April 24th
- Sandstone Shrike-thrush-Colluricincla woodwardi assimillis-RAAF Boab Quarry, May 8th
- Rufous Whistler-Pachycephala rufiventris falcata-Broome, January 1st
- Rufous Whistler-Pachycephala rufiventris rufiventris-Long Pool, April 23rd
- Olive-backed Oriole-Oriolus sagittatus affinis-Broome, January 1st
- Yellow Oriole-Oriolus flavocinctus-Kununurra, October 4th
- Willie Wagtail-Rhipidura leucophrys leucophrys-De Grey River, April 22nd
- Willie Wagtail-Rhipidura leucophrys picata-Broome, January 1st
- Northern Fantail-Rhipidura rufiventris isura-Windjana Gorge, May 9th
- Mangrove Grey Fantail-Rhipidura phaslana-Derby, February 3rd
- Grey Fantail-Rhipidura albiscaps-Foster, October 30th
- Rufous Fantail–Rhipidura rififrons-Foster, November 5th
- Magpie-lark-Grallina cyanoleuca cyanoleuca-Long Pool, April 23rd
- Magpie-lark–Grallina cyanoleuca neglecta-Broome, January 1st
- Leaden Flycatcher-Myiagra rubecula concinna–Tunnel Creek, May 9th
- Broad-billed Flycatcher-Myiagra fuficollis-Broome, January 1st
- Satin Flycatcher-Myiagra cyanoleuca-Foster, November 17th
- Shining Flycatcher-Myiagra alecto-Kununurra, October 4th
- Paperbark Flycatcher–Myiagra nana-Broome, January 1st
- Torresian Crow-Corvus orru-Broome, January 1st
- Little Crow-Corvus bennetti–Carawine Gorge, April 25th
- Australian Raven-Corvus coronoides perplexus-Perth airport, March 27th
- Australian Raven-Corvus coronoides-Foster, October 30th
- Buff-sided Robin-Poecilodryas cerviniventris-Kununurra, October 4th
- Eastern Yellow Robin-Eopsaltria australis-Foster, November 1st
- Hooded Robin-Melanodryas cucullata-Doolena Gorge, April 24th
- Lemon-bellied Kimberley Flycatcher-Microeca flavigaster tormenti-Windjana Gorge, May 9th
- Jacky Winter–Microeca fascinans pallida-Broome, January 1st
- Scarlet Robin-Petroica boodang-Tarra Bulga, November 16th
- Horsefield’s Bushlark-Mirafra javanica woodwardi-Carawine Gorge, April 25th
- Horsefield’s Bushlark-Mirafra javanica halli-Broome, January 1st
- Horsefield’s Bushlark-Mirafra javanica foresti-Fairfield Leopold Road, May 9th
- Eurasian Skylark-Alauda arvensis-Toora, November 18th
- White-backed Swallow-Cheramoeca leucosterna–Broome, July 3rd
- Welcome Swallow-Hirundo neoxena carteri-Perth airport, March 27th
- Fairy Martin-Petrochelidon ariel-Broome, January 1st
- Tree Martin-Petrochelidon nigricans-Marble Bar, April 24th
- Australian Reed-Warbler-Acrocephalus australis gouldi-Derby, February 3rd
- Rufous Songlark-Megalurus mathewsi-Derby, February 3rd
- Brown Songlark-Megalurus cruralis-Broome, January 1st
- Little Grassbird-Megalurus gramineus-Foster, November 1st
- Spinifexbird-Eremiornis carteri-Long Pool, April 23rd
- Zitting Cisticola-Cisticola juncidis-Kununurra, October 4th
- Golden-headed Cisticola–Cisticola exilis alexandrae-Broome, January 1st
- Canary White-eye–Zosterrops luteus-Broome, January 1st
- Silvereye-Zosterops lateralis-Foster, October 31st
- Common Myna-Acridotheres tristis-Foster, October 30th
- Common Starling-Sturnus vulgaris-Foster, October 30th
- Common Blackbird-Terdus merula-Foster, October 30th
- Mistletoebird-Dicaeum hirundinaceum-Broome, January 1st
- House Sparrow-Passer domesticus-Foster, October 30th
- Painted Finch-Emblema pictum-Long Pool, April 23rd
- Red-browed Finch-Neochmia temporalis-Foster, November 1st
- Crimson Finch–Neochmia phaeton-Kununurra, October 4th
- Star Finch–Neochmia ruficauda subclarescens–Langi Crossing, May 20th
- Long-tailed Finch–Poephila acuticauda-Broome, January 1st
- Zebra Finch–Taeniopygia guttata-Broome, January 5th
- Double-barred Finch–Taeniopygia bichenovii annulosa-Broome, January 1st
- Gouldian Finch-Erythura gouldiae-black-headed-Fairfield Leopold Road, May 9th
- Pictorella Mannikin–Hetereomunia pectoralis-Fairfield Leopold Road, May 9th
- Eastern Yellow Wagtail–Motacilla tschutschensis-Derby, February 3rd
- Australian Pipit–Anthus australis australis-Broome, January 1st
- Common Greenfinch-Chloris chloris-Geelong, November 24th
- European Goldfinch-Carduelis carduelis-Toora, October 30th
- Red Junglefowl–Gallus gallus-Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Asian Openbill–Anastomus oscitans-Sungei Buloh, March 14th
- Lesser Adjutant-Leptoptilos javanicus-Sungei Buloh, March 23rd
- Yellow Bittern-Ixobrychus sinensis-Gardens by the Bay, March 7th
- Cinnamon Bittern-Ixobrychus cinnamomeus-Botanic Garden, March 18th
- Black Bittern–Dupetor flavicollis-Pulau Ubin, March 22nd
- Malayan Night Heron-Gorsachus melanolophus-Gardens by the Bay, March 12th
- Black-crowned Night Heron-Nycticorax nycticorax-Chinese Garden, March 9th
- Striated Heron-Butorides striata-Gardens by the Bay, March 7th
- Chinese Pond Heron-Ardeola bacchus-Chinese Garden, March 9th
- Javan Pond Heron-Ardeola speciosa-Botanic Garden, March 18th
- Eastern Cattle Egret-Bubulcus coromandus–Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Grey Heron–Ardea cinera-Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Great-billed Heron-Ardea sumatrana-Sungei Buloh, March 14th
- Purple Heron-Ardea purpurea-Gardens by the Bay, March 7th
- Great Egret-Ardea alba-Sungei Buloh, March 14th
- Intermediate Egret-Ardea intermedia-Chinese Garden, March 9th
- Little Egret-Egretta garzetta-Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Black-winged Kite-Elanus caeruleus-Lorong Haus, March 13th
- Crested Honey Buzzard-Pernis ptilorhynchus-Gardens by the Bay, March 7th
- Black Baza-Aviceda leuphotes-Chinese Garden, March 9th
- Crested Serpent Eagle-Spilornis cheela-Chinese Garden, March 9th
- Short-toed Snake Eagle-Circaetus gallicis–Pulau Ubin, March 22nd
- Changeable Hawk Eagle-Nisaetus cirrhatus-Geylang, March 13th
- Crested Goshawk-Accipter trivirgatus-Pulau Ubin, March 22nd
- Brahminy Kite-Haliastur indus-Gardens by the Bay, March 7th
- White-bellied Sea Eagle-Haliaeetus leucogaster-Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Grey-headed Fish Eagle-Haliaeetus ichthyaetus-Mac Ritchie Reservoir, March 8th
- Grey-faced Buzzard-Butastur indicus-Lorong Haus, March 13th
- Red-legged Crake-Rallina fascata–Windsor Nature Park, March 8th
- White-breasted Waterhen–Amaurornis phoenicurus-Gardens by the Bay, March 7th
- Ruddy-breasted Crake-Porzana fusca-Windsor Nature Park, March 8th
- Band-bellied Crake-Porzana paykullii-Chestnut Nature Park, March 20th
- Barred Buttonquail–Turnix suscitator-Changi business park, March 18th
- Pacific Golden Plover–Pluvialis fulva-Sungei Buloh, March 14th
- Grey Plover–Pluvialis squatarola–Pulau Ubin, March 22nd
- Whimbrel-Numenius phaeopus-Sungei Buloh, March 14th
- Bar-tailed Godwit–Limosa lapponica–Pulau Ubin, March 22nd
- Pin-tailed Snipe-Gallinago stenura–Changi business park, March 18th
- Swinhoe’s Snipe–Gallinago megala–Changi business park, March 18th
- Common Sandpiper–Actitus hypoleucos-Chinese Garden, March 9th
- Common Redshank-Tringa totanus-Sungei Buloh, March 14th
- Common Greenshank-Tringa nebularis-Sungei Buloh, March 19th
- Black-naped Tern-Sterna sumatrana-Pasir Ris, March 15th
- Rock Dove-Columba livia-Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Red Turtle Dove-Streptopelia tranquebarica-Sungei Buloh, March 19th
- Spotted Dove-Spilopelia chinensis-Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Common Emerald Dove-Chalcophaps indica-Windsor Nature Park, March 8th
- Zebra Dove-Geopelia striata-Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Little Green Pigeon-Treron olax-Windsor Nature Park, March 21st
- Pink-necked Green Pigeon-Treron vernans-Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Thick-billed Green Pigeon-Treron curvirostra-Pulau Ubin, March 22nd
- Green Imperial Pigeon-Ducula aenea–Changi business park, March 18th
- Pied Imperial Pigeon-Ducula bicolor-Chinese Garden, March 9th
- Greater Coucal-Centropus sinensis-Windsor Nature Park, March 8th
- Lesser Coucal-Centropus bengalensis–Tampines Eco Green, March 26th
- Chestnut-bellied Malkoha-Phaenicophaeus sumatrranus-Windsor Nature Park, March 8th
- Chestnut-winged Cuckoo-Clamator coromandus-King Albert Park, March 24th
- Asian Koel-Eudynamys scolopaceus-Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Horsfield’s Bronze Cuckoo-Chrysococcyx basalis-Tampines Eco Green, March 15th
- Little Bronze Cuckoo-Chrysococcyx minutillus-Gardens by the Bay, March 7th
- Banded Bay Cuckoo-Cocomantis sonneratii-Chinese Gardens, March 9th
- Plaintive Cuckoo-Cocomantis merulinus–Coney Island, March 13th
- Rusty-breasted Cuckoo-Cocomantis sepulcralis-Windsor Nature Park, March 8th
- Large Hawk Cuckoo-Hierococcyx sparveriodes-Changi business park, March 18th
- Hodgson’s Hawk Cuckoo-Hierococcyx nisicolor-Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Sunda Scops Owl–Otus lempiji–Pasir Ris, March 26th
- Spotted Wood Owl-Strix seloputa-Gardens by the Bay, March 7th
- Grey-rumped Treeswift-Hemiprocne longipennis-King Albert Park, March 24th
- Black-nest Swiftlet-Aerodramus maximus-Gardens by the Bay, March 7th
- Brown-backed Needletail-Hirundapus giganteus-Bishan Park, March 17th
- Asian Palm Swift-Cypsiurus balasiensis-Botanic Gardens, March 11th
- Pacific Swift-Apus pacificus-Botanic Gardens, March 11th
- House Swift-Apus nipalensis-Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Germaine’s Swiftlet-Aerodramus germani-Gardens y the Bay, March 7th
- Oriental Dollarbird-Eurystomus orientalis–Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Stork-billed Kingfisher-Pelargopsis capensis-Windsor Nature Park, March 8th
- White-throated Kingfisher–Halcyon smyrnensis–Gardens by the Bay, March 7th
- Black-capped Kingfisher-Halcyon pileata–Chinese Garden, March 9th
- Collared Kingfisher–Todiramphus chloris-Gardens by the Bay, March 7th
- Common Kingfisher-Alcedo atthis-Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Blue-tailed Bee-eater-Merops phillippinus-Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Blue-throated Bee-eater-Merops viridis-Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Oriental Pied Hornbill-Anthracoceros albirostris-Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Lineated Barbet-Psilopogon lineatus-Windsor Nature Park, March 8th
- Coppersmith Barbet-Psilipogon haemacephalus-Chinese Garden, March 9th
- Sunda Pygmy Woodpecker–Yungipicus moluccensis-Gardens by the Bay, March 7th
- Banded Woodpecker–Chrysophlegma miniaceum-Lower Peirce Reservoir, March 17th
- Laced Woodpecker-Picus vittatus-Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Common Flameback–Dinopium javanense–Tampines Eco Green, March 15th
- Rufous Woodpecker-Micropternus brachyurus-Chinese Garden, March 9th
- Yellow-crested Cockatoo-Cacatua sulphurea-Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Blue-rumped Parrot-Psittinus cyanurus-King Albert Park, March 24th
- Red-breasted Parakeet–Psittacula alexandri–Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Long-tailed Parakeet-Psittacula longicauda-Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Rose-ringed Parakeet–Psittacula krameri–Gardens by the Bay, March 7th
- Coconut Lorikeet–Trichoglossus haematodus-Bishan Park, March 17th
- Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot–Loriculus galgulus-Bishan Park, March 17th
- Blue-winged Pitta–Pitta moluccensis-Windsor Nature Park, March 8th
- Golden-bellied Gerygone-Gerygone sulphurea-Sungei Buloh, March 25th
- Common Iora-Aegithina tiphia-Windsor Nature Park, March 8th
- Ashy Minivet-Pericrocotus divaricatus-Gardens by the Bay, March 7th
- Pied Triller-Lalage nigra-Chinese Garden, March 9th
- Tiger Shrike-Lanius tigrinus–Gardens by the Bay, March 7th
- Brown Shrike–Lanius cristatus-Gardens by the Bay, March 7th
- Long-tailed Shrike-Lanius schach-Lorong Haus, March 13th
- Black-naped Oriole–Oriolus chinensis-Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Crow-billed Drongo-Dicrurus annectens-Labrador Nature Park, March 16th
- Greater Racket-tailed Drongo-Dicurus paradiseus-Windsor Nature Park, March 8th
- Malaysian Pied Fantail-Rhipidura javanica-Gardens by the Bay, March 7th
- House Crow-Corvus splendens-Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Large-billed Crow-Corvus macrorhynchos-Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Straw-headed Bulbul-Pycnonotus zeylanicus-Southern Ridges, March 16th
- Red-whiskered Bulbul-Pycnonotus jocosus-Botanic Gardens, March 11th
- Sooty-headed Bulbul-Pycnonotus aurigaster-Lorong Haus, March 13th
- Yellow-vented Bulbul-Pycnonotus goiavier-Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Olive-winged Bulbul-Pycnonotus plumosus–Windsor Nature Park, March 8th
- Cream-vented Bulbul-Pycnonotus simplex-Chestnut Nature Park, March 20th
- Asian Red-eyed Bulbul-Pycnonotus brunneus-Windsor Nature Park, March 8th
- Ashy Bulbul-Hemixos flavala-King Albert Park, March 24th
- Barn Swallow-Hirundo rustica–Gardens by the Bay, March 7th
- Pacific Swallow-Hirundo tahitica-Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Yellow-browed Warbler-Phylloscopus inornatus-Tampines Eco Green, March 15th
- Arctic Warbler-Phylloscopus borealis-Windsor Nature Park, March 8th
- Oriental Reed Warbler-Acrocephalus orientalis-Gardens by the Bay, March 7th
- Black-browed Reed Warbler-Acrocephalus bistrigiceps-Gardens by the Bay, March 7th
- Zitting Cisticola-Cisticola juncidis-Sungei Buloh, March 25th
- Yellow-bellied Prinia-Prinia flaviventris-Sungei Buloh, March 25th
- Common Tailorbird-Orthotomus sutorius-Gardens by the Bay, March 7th
- Dark-necked Tailorbird-Orthotomus atrogularis-Windsor Nature Park, March 8th
- Rufous-tailed Tailorbird-Orthotomus sericeus-Loring Haus, March 13th
- Ashy Tailorbird-Orthotomus ruficeps-Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Pin-striped Tit-Babbler-Macronus gularis–Windsor Nature Park, March 8th
- Abbott’s Babbler-Malacocincla abbotti-Windsor Nature Park, March 8th
- Short-tailed Babbler-Malacocincla malaccensis-Windsor Nature Park, March 21st
- White-crested Laughingthrush–Garrulax leucolophus-Southern Ridges, March 16th
- Oriental White-eye-Zosterops palpebrosus-Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Asian Fairy-bluebird-Irena puella-Windsor Nature Park, March 21st
- Asian Glossy Starling-Aplonis panayensis–Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Common Hill Myna-Gracula religiosa-Botanic Gardens, March 11th
- Javan Myna-Acridotheres javanicus-Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Common Myna-Acridotheres tristis-Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Oriental Magpie-Robin-Copsychus saularis-Gardens by the Bay, March 7th
- White-rumped Shama–Copsychus malabaricus-Pulau Ubin, March 22nd
- Asian Brown Flycatcher–Muscicapa dauurica-Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Mangrove Blue Flycatcher-Cyornis rufigastra-Pulau Ubin, March 22nd
- Yellow-rumped Flycatcher–Ficedula zanthopygia-Botanic Gardens, March 11th
- Stejneger’s Stonechat-Saxicola stejnegeri-Kranji, March 19th
- Orange-bellied Flowerpecker-Dicaeum trigonostigma-Dairy Farm Nature Park, March 10th
- Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker-Dicaeum cruentatum-Botanic Gardens, March 11th
- Brown-throated Sunbird-Anthreptes malacensis-Gardens by the Bay, March 7th
- Copper-throated Sunbird-Leptocoma calcostetha-Sungei Buloh, March 14th
- Olive-backed Sunbird-Cinnyris jugalaris-Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Crimson Sunbird-Aethopyga siparaja-Mac Ritchie Reservoir, March 8th
- Little Spiderhunter-Arachnothera longirostra–Windsor Nature Park, March 8th
- Thick-billed Spiderhunter-Arachnothera crossirostris–Windsor Nature Park, March 8th
- House Sparrow-Passer domesticus-Windsor Nature Park, March 8th
- Eurasian Tree Sparrow-Passer montanus-Pasir Ris, March 6th
- Baya Weaver-Pioceus philipinus-Tampines Eco Green, March 15th
- Scaly-breasted Munia–Lonchura punctulata-Gardens by the Bay, March 7th
- Chestnut Munia–Lonchura atricapilla-Gardens by the Bay, March 12th
- White-headed Munia–Lonchura maja-King Albert Park, March 24th
- Grey Wagtail-Motachilla cinerea-Southern Ridges, March 16th
- Paddyfield Pipit–Anthus rufulus-Gardens by the Bay, March 12th
- Orange-cheeked Waxbill-Elstrida melpoda-Tampines Eco Green, March 15th
- Monk Parakeet–Myiopsitta monachus–Pasir Ris, March 26th
- Painted Stork-Mycteria leucocephala-Sungei Buloh, March 25th
- Milky Stork-Mycteria cinerea-Sungei Buloh, March 14th
- Indian Peafowl-Pavo cristatus-Labrador Nature Park, March 16th
- Muscovy Duck-Cairina moschata-Botanic Gardens, March 18th
- Mute Swan-Cygnus olor-Botanic Gardens, March 11th
- Black Swan-Cygnus atratus-Botanic Gardens, March 11th
WOW!! Great start to your year!! I am afraid I have been pretty lazy, and I think I have 17 birds…all at my feeders!
You need to relax in front of your feeders after last year’s effort!!